Journal of Radiology ISSN(2836-4880)

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Networks Of Organizational Violence In Literature From 2019 To 2022

In the context of organizations and their relationship with the increasingly competitive environment, leaders have been pressured to establish control systems in which the differences ....

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Occupational biosafety in the COVID-19 era

Security have concern authorities and civil society during last years. Different society’s substrates have different perceptions on security. Present document explores reliability and validity of an instrument which measures security perception .

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Network of sexual violence in the literature from 2020 to 2023

The discussion and specification of a model for the study of reproductive choice was the objective of the present work. A documentary study was conducted with an intentional selection of sources indexed to Dialnet, Latindex, Publindex, Redalyc and Scielo from 2020 to 2023.

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Modeling And Sensitivity Analysis Of Environmental Indicators For Land Leveling Using Integrating Artificial Neural Network And Genetic Algorithm (GA-ANN)

Land leveling is one of the most important steps in soil preparation for consequent objectives. Parallel policies need to take both energy and environmental subjects into the account as well as certain financial development and eco-friendly protection

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Right pulmonary arterial graft revascularization for chronic obstructive disease.t

Rarely can a condition known as abnormal aortic origin of the left coronary artery (AAOLCA) occur. Surgery is advised to correct this defect in order to increase the patients’ long-term survival since it may cause cardiac ischemia. We describe a case of successfully mobilising an abnormal left main coronary artery, translocating a pulmonary artery, and inserting a graft into the right pulmonary artery with a late complication of graft blockage. This case underscores the value of phased treatment and demonstrates the difficulty in recanalizing pulmonary artery graft occlusion and stenosis.

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After meniscal repair, gingival artery embolization is performed to treat recurrent hemarthrosis.

Standard procedure for biliary obstruction is to implant a stent via endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). An indwelling stent can have a number of problems, however stent breakage is uncommon.

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History of Endovascular Embolectomy for Emergent Large Vessel Occlusion

One of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in America as well as the main contributor to adult long-term impairment is acute ischemic stroke. Emergent causes of strokes. Large vascular occlusions (ELVO) frequently cause severe disability, but they can also be treatable with a chance for a successful functional outcome.

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Sepsis In The Interventional Radiology Patient: Diagnosis And Treatment

Sepsis can be acquired in the community, through medical care, or in a hospital setting, and it is frequently seen there. Incidence rates of sepsis in the US population range from 300 to 1031 per 100,000 and are rising 13% a year. Sepsis and septic shock have related in-hospital death rates of 10% and 40%, respectively. Interventional radiology is commonly used to treat sepsis patients, and in unusual cases, interventional radiologists themselves have been known to transmit the disease.

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Effective Prevention of Diabetic Foot

Aim: The treatment outcomes of male patients who received emergent percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) for biliary decompression in acute cholecystitis, with the goal of performing a retrospective analysis

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